Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Interlude Pt. 2 - Change is Coming

Episode Four

Subject: Angelus

Date recorded: 1/2/13

Location: Phoenix, Arizona


Change is coming.

It's unavoidable. 

We need to let go of the things we cannot fix and move on.

People come and go, that's just a part of life. So, we move forward and forget the past and start thinking about the present.

Here's what the present looks like.

January, 2013, right here in Phoenix Arizona -- Last Impact card.

It's time to settle a few scores and prove once again why I am one of the best this business has to offer.

For the uninitiated, my name is Angelus. I am a man of great discipline.

I am a revolutionary.

I will bring about change.

And most importantly, my time at the back of the line is over.

I have sat here and watched lesser man attempt to ascend to greatness and either fail or disappear when the spotlight got too bright when it tried to shine on them.

I have watched members of this roster sit by and idly wait for an opportunity to be handed to them and then whine and complain when the XWF train left them at the station.

Opportunity is earned.

The rewards of that opportunity are seized through hardwork and perseverance.

Luck is for losers.

That's why you have guys like Sebastian Duke just twiddling their thumbs as they wait patiently for their turn. They don't get it and they never will.

Duke wants to talk about sheep and this being the beginning of a new era in the XWF, but Duke is no more a crow left of the murder than he is a puppet on the string of a tennis shoe. 

"Know me… Respect me… Fear me…."

Duke, a little advice, free of charge. Let it die. Go back to your haunted house, take your Ouija board with you. Don't forget your book of spells and your Skeletor sleeping bag. 

We'll still be here for when you want to grow up and stop thinking it's Halloween 365 days a year.

Speaking of growing up…

It appears our dear friend Ursula has come out of the woodwork yet again.

Remind me to add close captioning to my TV when I watch her promos so I can understand a damn thing she's saying.

It's the same old song and dance. We get it. You're the best woman. You're a badass. You're going to crack some skulls.

Blah, blah, blah… and scene.

Ursula, give it up. You don't have what it takes. We know this.

So do you. 

And in case you forgot may I direct you to the XWF Shopzone where the 12/12/12 PPV DVD is on sale. Cue it up. Watch me pin you in the center of the ring for the three count… and scene.

But before I go, one last thing.

Michael James.

Happy Festivus. Time to air my grievances. 

Don't you think I forgot about your little promo you tried to sneak in before Christmas. 

Mike, we've gone through this before. The back and forth. All the trash talk.

I don't like you and you don't like me. Perfect.

But I know there's something that eats away at you and that is before our match two Impacts ago was called a draw, I saw it in your eyes, Mike.


Fear that you cannot beat me and I promise you that next time you won't have Baxter to bail you out by stopping the match.

And, haha, oh yeah -- I am the ONLY number one contender for the European Championship.

Chew on that for awhile, Mike. Hope it's not too bitter.

By the way, happy new year!

See you soon.

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